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SIELC Technologies

Primesep Columns  From SIELC


Primesep columns are highly versatile columns that separate a huge range of compounds, utilizing several separation modes by choosing a particular mobile phase.  Where traditional stationary phase design was overly concerned about minimizing the effects of "unwanted" secondary interactions, SIELC's Switch Phase® Technology is designed to precisely control the type and strength of these interactions to offer unparalleled selectivity.

Mixed-Mode Stationary Phases


A stationary phase that provides more than one strong and controllable method of interaction can be said to be a mixed-mode stationary phase.  Primesep Columns' great versatility arises from their mixed-mode stationary phases.


Typically, a good reverse-phase column has only one mode of selection - hydrophobic interaction.  As a result, the reverse-phase columns are greatly limited in utility (difficult to retain polar compounds, hard to separate closely related compounds, unavoidably long analysis times for samples containing compounds of greatly different polarity).


Primesep Columns, on the other hand, have a variety of modes of interaction based on the particular functional group attached to the stationary phase.  Pictured below are four of the most common: negatively charged functional group for cation exchange, positively charged functional group for anion exchange, complex function group for complex interaction, and phenyl functional group for pi-pi interactions.

SWITCH Phase® Technology


Primesep Columns are further enhanced by SWITCH Phase® Technology, which provides even greater control over the columns' selectivity.  As every functional group in the various Primesep Columns have a unique pKa value, the functional groups can be ionized or non-ionized depending on the pH of the mobile phase.

If the pH of the mobile phase is close to, or above, the transition value of the Primesep C functional group, the Primesep C column will function as a mixed-mode Ion-Exchange and Reverse-Phase Column.  If the pH of the mobile phase is below the transition value of the Primesep C functional group, the Primesep C column will function as a reverse-phase column with a non-ionized functional group.  


For Example:

Cation Exchange

Column Type


Primesep 500

Primesep C

Primesep 200

Primesep 100

Primesep A

pKa Value of Embedded Carboxylic Acid


pKa = 5.0

pKa = 3.5

pKa = 2.0

pKa = 1.0

pKa = 0

Basic Compounds



Strong Bases, Metals

Strong Bases, Dibases

Strong Bases, Dibases

Weak, Medium Bases, AA, Metals

Weak Bases, AA, Metals

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