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Sequence Builder


The Sequence Builder is an easy-to-use and streamlined program that drastically simplifies the sequence building process.  Building large sequence tables within ChemStation can quickly become a long and tedious task as users must build the tables line by line, repeatedly defining the same sample location, method, etc.  The Sequence Builder provides users with a sleek and compact user interface where method parameters need only be defined once.  The Sequence Builder creates and saves a .CSV file of a full sequence table which can then be imported directly into ChemStation.


The Sequence Builder has several modes of operation: Simple, Simple+Add, and Multiple.  These modes are specialized for sequence table creation depending on the different combinations of how many samples you wish to screen, how many columns you have, and how many methods you plan to use.


Though great as a standalone product, the Sequence Builder gives an even greater boost to productivity when used alongside the MCCPS System.  For a full list of features and detailed explanations of functionality, please download the Sequence Builder User's Manual from the Downloads Page.


The following will briefly walk you through how to use the Simple Mode of the Sequence Builder to accelerate your method development process:


1.  Entering Method Information

2.  Entering Column Information

3.  Entering Sample Information

4.  Previewing and Saving the Sequence Table

5.  Importing .CSV to ChemStation



Entering Method Information

Entering Method Information

In this example, we will assume the user has one sample, one method, and ten columns to screen and that the user wishes to build a sequence table to inject the sample through each of the ten columns.


For this application, the Simple Mode of the Sequence Builder is adequate.  To select the Simple view option, either click Views>>Simple from the menu bar or choose Simple from the View Options drop-down menu in the top-center of the Sequence Builder window.




To begin importing your ChemStation methods into the Sequence Builder, select the Available Methods Tab at the bottom-left of the Sequence Builder window.  On the right side of the Available Methods Tab, click Browse to find and select the methods folder/directory used by ChemStation to store all methods, and select OK.




The methods folder/ directory will now be displayed in the textbox to the right of the browse button; click Import Methods to bring the methods into the All Available Methods box to the left.  From the All Available Methods list, double-click your desired method to select the method for use in building the sequence table.  The selected method will be displayed above.


(Also available in this tab are the options to save all imported methods, set a particular method as default, and add particular methods to your favorite methods list)



Entering Column Information

To begin entering column information, click the Available Columns Tab at the bottom-left of the Sequence Builder window.  Enter descriptive column information in the Active Column Set box to the left.


(Also available in this tab are the options to set the current set as default, load a previously defined default set, save the current set, import a previously saved set, and load a previously defined set into the active columns set)


Entering Column Information


Entering Sample Information

To begin entering sample information, look to the Required Information box at the top-left of the Sequence Builder window.  Enter the Sample Location, Injection Volume, and descriptive information for Identifiers #1 and #2 (to best identify and keep track of injections.


Entering Sample Information


Previewing and Saving the Sequence Table

To preview the Sequence Table (after first ensuring that a method is selected and that column and sample information are defined), click the Preview button near the top-center of the Sequence Table window.


Prev. and Sav. the Seq.Table



To save the Sequence Table, click Save to CSV to save the previewed sequence table as a .CSV file.  This file can be opened and re-checked in excel.  After resizing the cells, the sequence table will look as displayed below.



Importing .CSV to ChemStation

To import the .CSV file of the Sequence Table into ChemStation, click Sequence>>Import Sequence to open the Sequence Import window.  In Step 1: Import Configuration (of the Sequence Import process), browse for and select the previously saved .CSV file, then click Finish.


Importing .CSV to ChemStation
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