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MCCPS System (Multiple Column Cleaning & Pre-Conditioning and Screening)

What is the MCCPS System? 

The MCCPS System is a bundle of products designed to automate a large part of the method development process in order to free your hands and attention to focus on other matters.

* The Column Selector Unit -- Enables automation of the column switching process

* The MCCP Program -- Configures and controls the column Cleaning & Pre-Conditioning process

* The MCS Program -- Configures and controls the column Screening process


Automation and Task Specialization bring forth a 2 Phase Method Development Process:

Phase 1: Cleaning & Pre-Conditioning

Phase 2: Screening


The MCCPS System can change the way you conduct method development in your lab:

* Increased Efficiency

* Savings

-- Samples

-- Solvents

-- Time

* Increased User Productivity

-- Fewer mundane tasks

-- Fewer distractions

-- Expanded (vs fragmented) work flow



Let's Make a Comparison


the method development process involves many mundane tasks that require just enough attention to distract your focus from "other things", usually due to the fact that columns are tested one at a time.  The following are common (and sometimes costly) annoyances of conventional method development:

* Switching out columns -- fumbling with frits, ferrules, and leaks

* Sore fingers

* Damage from over-tightening

* Fragmented work flow

-- Unless you're sitting in front of the machine for the entire method, you'll be devoting your attention elsewhere.  You may find that it takes longer to return to the machine than the method takes to complete itself, leaving your machine idle.


Without making the decision to purchase a relatively expensive column selector, users have accepted that the first three annoyances must be endured.  In regards to fragmented work flow, however, users commonly like to handle this efficiency loss by injecting a sample three times:

1.  To equilibrate the column

2.  To inject the sample

3.  To confirm the results of the second injection


Unfortunately, this approach does not make the most efficient use of samples and mobile phase.



the method development process benefits from automation and task specialization.  The mundane tasks that previously distracted users are handled autonomously by the system's Column Selector Unit and Software.  The following are ways the MCCPS System improves upon the conventional method development process:

* Up to ten columns are picked and analyzed in one broad screening endeavor

* High capacity Column Selector Unit greatly reduces need to switch out columns

-- As users typically possess a small set of columns that separate a large percentage of samples that pass through their labs, after installing these columns onto the system, users will only have to exchange them out on very rare occasions.

* Phase 1: Specialized & Automated Cleaning & Pre-Conditioning of columns:

-- Removes the need to inject samples (saves samples and solvents via specialization)

-- Processes all ten columns in a single continuous process

* Phase 2: Specialized & Automated Screening of columns:

-- Makes most efficient use of samples injected into each column

-- Sequentially injects sample through all ten columns in one continuous process



Let's Look at an Example

Productivity Gains from Specialization and Automation with the MCCPS System

For this example, we will assume the following:

* 10 Columns Total to be cleaned, pre-conditioned, and screened

* 5 minute per column Cleaning & Pre-Conditioning Method

* 20 minute per column Screening Method (sample injection)

* Let D = Distraction Cost for user to put down everything and return to the HPLC System


Conventional Method Development:

MCCPS System Method Development:

First, Let's Compare Total Process Times

​In system process times alone, the MCCPS System completes the screening process 6hrs 24min faster than conventional method development would allow.  But we also see that the MCCPS System has 5 times fewer distraction costs.


Above, we defined Distraction Cost as the cost for the user to put all other tasks and responsibilities down to return to the HPLC System to continue the method development process.  Depending on the situation, this Distraction Cost can be as trivial as a delayed lunch break or as significant as a missed business meeting. But with respect to time alone, the 10 Distraction Costs represent 10 occasions where the system may be sitting idle as the user returns from whatever else is occupying his or her attention at that moment.  If one thing leads to another, this particular screening process may take another day to a week to complete.  


Though the Specialization and Automation of the MCCPS System cannot control the variation in magnitude of the Distraction Cost, the 80% reduction in quantity of distractions will certainly contribute positively to total process times.


Also worthy to note is the fact that future process times will be 20min. shorter as all columns have already been installed on the Column Selector Unit. If any columns require replacement, assume an additional 3min. per column.


Second, Let's Compare Work Flow

In the tables above, using Distraction Cost as an indication of a break in work flow, we see that Conventional Method Development and MCCPS System Method Development have two different work flow profiles.  The Conventional M.Dev. work flow profile is broken into consistent ~1hr segments, whereas the MCCPS System M.Dev. work flow profile has one ~1hr segment and one ~3.3hr segment.


After the first hour, the Specialization and Automation of the MCCPS System expands work flow by ~300%, allowing users to productively use this time away from the machine as it continues to process the columns.



Additional Benefits

  • Opens up lab space (one of the smallest lab footprints for a column selector

  • Sharper peaks as a result of minimal band broadening (shorter tubing connections between HPLC System and Column Selector Unit)

  • Least expensive Column Selector system in the market

    • yet, possesses added functionality in the MCCP and MCS Programs

    • greatest return on your investment



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