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Chromatogram Stacking Program


The Chromatogram Stacking Program is designed to provide an easy way to quickly view, compare, and share chromatograms in the method development process.  Though great as a standalone product, the Chromatogram Stacking Program gives an even greater boost to productivity when used alongside the MCCPS System.  For a full list of features and detailed explanations of functionality, please download the Chromatogram Stacking Program User's Manual from the Downloads Page.


The following will briefly walk you through how to use the Chromatogram Stacking Program to accelerate your method development process:


1.  Loading Chromatograms

2.  Managing Chromatograms

3.  Printing Chromatograms



Loading Chromatograms

Loading Chromatograms

In this example, we will assume the user has completed a screening process involving 20 Chiral Columns and that the user now wishes to stack these chromatograms to compare them and determine the best separation.


When opening the Chromatogram Stacking Program, the Display Window will be empty as shown below.  To populate the Display Window with the chromatograms from the screening run, we must browse for the folder containing the injection data for that screening run.  In the CS Program, click Sequence>>Browse to open the Browse For Folder window (seen at the right) to select the subdirectory with injection information.


After the correct folder is selected, the Chromatogram Stacking Program will order the injection folders alphanumerically, and display the chromatograms in that order.  After loading the chromatograms, resizing the Display Window is recommended, as you are able to view up to three chromatograms per row (if your screen resolution allows for it); the chromatograms will then order from left to right.  In the image below, 20 chromatograms have been loaded, and the Display Window has been resized to allow for two chromatograms per row (click the image to enlarge).


Managing Chromatograms

Managing Chromatograms

To further aid in the chromatogram comparison process, the Chromatogram Stacking Program gives the user options to better manage the chromatograms in the Display Window.


1.  Hiding Chromatograms

2.  Removing Chromatograms

3.  Expanding Chromatograms


To better explain these features, we will focus on one Chromatogram Window, as displayed below.  Notice, to the left of the chromatogram's file path, are two boxes.  For extra clarity, the boxes are zoomed in on the picture to the right.  We shall refer to these as the CheckBox and the SolidBox from now on, and these will be used in hiding and removing chromatograms as described in further detail below.

Hiding Chromatograms

In the process of comparing chromatograms, it may be beneficial to hide the chromatograms that have failed to meet certain standards.  By clicking the CheckBox in that particular chromatogram's window, you will hide the chromatogram.  The chromatogram's order will still be preserved; to reopen the chromatogram for reviewing, simply recheck the CheckBox of the chromatogram you wish to review.  The figure below displays how the CS Program manages hidden chromatograms.


Hiding Chromatograms
Removing Chromatograms

Removing Chromatograms

In the process of comparing chromatograms, it may be beneficial to entirely remove the chromatograms that have failed to meet certain standards.  By clicking the SolidBox in that particular chromatogram's window, you will remove the chromatogram from the Display Window.  In this case, the chromatogram's order will not be preserved.  To reopen the chromatogram for reviewing, you must reload the files from the subdirectory by clicking Settings>>Reload.  The figure below shows how the CS Program manages removed chromatograms (note: only 5 of the original 20 chromatograms are displayed).


Expanding Chromatograms

Expanding Chromatograms

In the process of comparing chromatograms, it may be beneficial to zoom in on the chromatograms that have met certain standards.  By double-clicking the chromatogram, you will open a Pop-Out Window with a full resolution image of that chromatogram.  This Pop-Out Window can be stretched to enlarge the image further if desired.


Printing Chromatograms

Printing Chromatograms

To aid in the chromatogram sharing process, the Chromatogram Stacking Program gives the user options to print the chromatograms in the Display Window.  Some users may wish to skip the paper printout and make a digital copy from the start; the Chromatogram Stacking Program also makes digital copies via printing to Microsoft OneNote or Microsoft XPS Document Writer.  The following will detail various print options available and explain how to print from the Display Window and the Pop-Out Window.


Printing from the Display Window

With the Display Window populated with chromatograms, you will need to select which chromatograms you want to print. Selecting Print from the menu will instruct the CS Program to print every chromatogram present in the Display Window (even those that are hidden via CheckBox). To print only the chromatograms you want, remove all other unwanted chromatograms from the Display Window by clicking each respective SolidBox.


After chromatograms have been selected, you will need to determine how you wish the chromatograms to be distributed on your paper and where you want them to be printed.  


The CS Program has two settings for chromatogram distribution under the Print menu:

1.  "1 per page"  --  prints 1 chromatogram per page (larger image, greater detail)

2.  "10 per page"  --  prints 10 chromatograms per page (smaller images, straightforward juxtaposition) 


To select where you wish the chromatograms to be printed, select Print Chromatograms from the Print menu to open the Print Window.  In this window there will be an area where you define the printer; the following are a few possibilities:

*  Your Installed Physical Printer  --  prints out a hardcopy

*  Microsoft OneNote  --  creates a page in your desired notebook containing all chromatogram pages

*  Microsoft XPS Document Writer  --  creates an XPS file (Microsoft's .pdf) of all chromatogram pages


Printing from Pop-Out Window

After you have expanded a chromatogram into a Pop-Out Window, you will need to determine how you wish the chromatograms to be distributed on your paper and where you want them to be printed.


The CS Program has two settings for printing the chromatogram currently expanded in the Pop-Out Window:

1.  "Original Aspect Ratio"  --  maximizes chromatogram for greatest detail while maintaining height-to-width ratio

2.  "Stretch to Fill Page"  --  maximizes chromatogram to fill the entire page


To select where you wish the chromatograms to be printed, select Print from the File menu to open the Print Window.  In this window there will be an area where you define the printer; the following are a few possibilities:

*  Your Installed Physical Printer  --  prints out a hardcopy

*  Microsoft OneNote  --  creates a page in your desired notebook containing all chromatogram pages

*  Microsoft XPS Document Writer  --  creates an XPS file (Microsoft's .pdf) of all chromatogram pages


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