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We offer software solutions that create value, efficiency, and convenience.
Past Projects:
  • Extracting textbook information from a college website and organizing it in an Excel file.
  • Automating chemistry lab equipment to perform experiments never-before-possible​​
MCCPS (Chemistry Screening Automation)

MCCPS (Chemistry Screening Automation)

Allows you to automatically clean your columns for 5 minutes each. Then, you can create an ordered list of columns you want to be executed for each injection on ChemStation.

Cleaning Columns Automation

Cleaning Columns Automation

Automatically cleans each column for a specified number of minutes. You can also manually control the Valve.

Screen Columns in Rapid Succession

Screen Columns in Rapid Succession

The MCS Program allows you to create an ordered list of columns that are executed for chromatography on each injection of the HPLC ChemStation.

Textbook Information Extraction for College Book Store

Textbook Information Extraction for College Book Store

This program extracts textbook information from a website and creates an excel file with the organized information.

Column Selector Unit Front View

Column Selector Unit Front View

Here you see the Column Selector Unit of the MCCPS System with ten 150mm columns installed. This unit will direct the flow of the mobile phase in accordance with the sequences defined in the MCCP and MCS Programs to clean & pre-condition and screen all ten columns in two easy processes.

Column Selector Unit Side View

Column Selector Unit Side View

Here you see the Column Selector Unit of the MCCPS System with ten 150mm columns installed. This unit will direct the flow of the mobile phase in accordance with the sequences defined in the MCCP and MCS Programs to clean & pre-condition and screen all ten columns in two easy processes.

Column Screener Valve with HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography)

Column Screener Valve with HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography)

The MCCPS System Column Selector Unit has the smallest lab footprint and highest column capacity, holding up to ten 150mm length columns within a cubic foot of space. Its minimal footprint also allows the unit to be placed directly in front of the HPLC System to minimize band broadening.

Example Column Setup

Example Column Setup

Mobile Phase from HPLC System or Sample Injector enters through the IN valve-head, passes through currently selected column, and exits through the OUT valve-head to any given detection method.

Accelerated Chromatogram Analysis

Accelerated Chromatogram Analysis

The Chromatogram Stacking Program displaying 20 chromatograms. A chromatogram from this group is shown zoomed-in in its Pop-Out Window.

Streamlined Sequence Table Building

Streamlined Sequence Table Building

The Sequence Builder showing a preview of its constructed sequence table. Never build a sequence table line-by-line, cell-by-cell again. Easily create and save a detailed sequence table to import directly into ChemStation.

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